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Prepare Your Home for Guests

It is officially the festive season, and with that you may have a few people rocking up at your doorstep, planned, or *gasp* unannounced. If you fear the latter like I do, especially during this busy time of the year when there literally isn't more than 10 minutes in your day to clean the house, than it is time to get your butt into gear and follow these must do tips for making your house presentable for any guests that may drop by unexpectedly.

Create a welcoming entryway

If you can't get to your front door without hurdling over shoes, bags and other belongings strewn all across the floor, take a second to put them away in a hallway cupboard or where they belong. Make your guests feel welcomed by creating an inviting entryway, free it from clutter, light a candle and straighten up any floor rugs. Guests probably won't want to stay too long if they have to cross an obstacle course to get inside the house - perhaps that's a good thing!

Clean the most important rooms

Unless your guests expect a guided tour of the house, they're probably only going to see a couple rooms. Focus on cleaning these important rooms first. Make sure the bathroom they will use is clean, smelling fresh and stocked up with toilet paper, soap and a hand towel. Pick up anything that doesn't belong, wipe over any dirty surfaces and freshen up in the kitchen, lounge room and dining room, or any other room they may visit.

Make up a guest room

If you are having guests stay the night, don't feel the need to go overboard, but try to accomodate by having a set of towels on hand, some fresh sheets, and extra pillows and blankets. If you don't have a spare room or bed, either blow up an air mattress or set them up in the lounge room with as much privacy as possible.

Some added touches

To make your guests as comfortable as possible, add some touches to make them feel at home. If you know they only drink soy milk in their coffee, have some waiting in the fridge for them when they arrive. Write down the wifi password, or tell them how to use the television if you won't be around. Whilst this isn't a necessity - but as a "prepared for an apocalypse" type of person, this is kind of my jam - I like to create a basket of items that they may need whilst they are visiting. In it I add some shampoo and conditioner, a couple new toothbrushes and toothpaste, face wash, moisturiser, baby wipes, hairspray, sanitary products and some first aid items. This way they can help themselves, and don't have to worry about asking.

Don't stress

Even if your house isn't perfect, I am sure your guests will not care. The most important thing during this time of the year is spending time with those you care about. Don't sweat the small stuff, and take the time to enjoy this holiday season!



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