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Finding My Voice

To new beginnings!

Hi there! If you are reading this, you are either one of the very few family or friends I have told about this blogging idea of mine - or, you have somehow stumbled down the deep, dark rabbit hole of Google and landed here at my blog. Either way, thank you so (so so so) much for sticking around and checking out Danielle Jayne!

This post idea has been on my mind for quite some time now, I just didn't know where to start. Whenever a teacher would get the class to stand up and introduce themselves at the beginning of a new school year, my mind would go blank, my face would go bright red, I would start sweating profusely and I'd stumble clumsily over my words.

I am much better at expressing myself through writing, however I still seem to have a bout of writers block. I know there is something that has been preventing me from writing this first post, and I'm pretty sure I know what that is!

You see, I am a marketing graduate. I have been out of university for a little over a year, and during that time I have been gaining some work experience to bulk up my resume by interning for a variety of companies. As a marketing intern, writing blog posts for a company's website often comes with the territory - which I gladly accept, as any experience is good experience! Unfortunately, it means writing what my supervisors want, not what I want, nor find interesting. Whilst interning for a particular start-up skincare company, I was required to write as if I was their 15 year old "tween entrepreneur" who founded the company. Whilst I enjoyed the challenge, it meant that I never allowed myself to find my own personal style of writing - or voice!

If you plan to hang around (& I hope you do), please be patient, I am very excited to use this platform to discuss topics that I truly love to read and write about, and hope that you too will enjoy the posts I have planned including all things lifestyle, cleaning, cooking, DIY and beauty!

If you have any post ideas you'd like to see featured on Danielle Jayne please leave them in the comments. I look forward to finding my voice and seeing where this blog will go!



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