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Get Your Glow On! Clear Skin To Make Your V-Day Date Swoon

With less than a week 'til the most important day of the year - Valentine's Day (that might be an exaggeration!), you may want to up your skin care routine to ensure you are glowing for your Valentine - or Galentine! When I have an event around the corner I ramp up my daily routine, and take extra care of my skin and my health to ensure I am shining bright like a diamond, from the inside out. Here are my tips and tricks to get your glow on in no time!

Remove your makeup before bed

I know I sound like your mother, but it is the truth, removing your makeup before going to bed will ensure that your skin can breathe through the night, allowing skin cells to regenerate and heal from within. And if you toss and turn in your sleep makeup won't be pushed further into your pores, which can lead to more breakouts and premature ageing (eek!).

Increase your water intake

Water is an essential part of our survival. Our body is made up of between 50-65% water, so it is understandable that we need to replenish our body by drinking plenty of water throughout the day. Drinking water will not only flush out your body of built up toxins, but will also help plump up your skin making it look fresher and more youthful.

Replenish the moisture in your skin

Whilst it can be tempting to avoid moisturiser to dry out acne, it won't help in accelerating the healing process. Instead, it can promote fine lines, uneven skin texture and acne scarring. Try finding a moisturiser right for your skin type, and use morning and night after you have cleansed. My favourite moisturisers contain Hyaluronic Acid, the word acid may scare you, but don't be fooled, this ingredient - which is also found in our bodies - aids collagen production and keeps skin plump and hydrated.

Heal from within

You may be doing everything right with your skin care routine, but your diet plays a huge role the appearance of your skin. Eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, whole grains and healthy fats like almonds and avocado, and limiting processed, fatty foods, will help with the appearance of your skin, as well as your overall health.

Pamper yourself

Take time out of your busy schedule to have an at home spa day. Soaking in the tub using Epsom salts will help detoxify your body, and can exfoliate and soften rough, dry skin. Give yourself a facial using natural ingredients like Bentonite Clay and Apple Cider Vinegar to draw out impurities and treat breakouts.

Get out and sweat

Exercise is a great way to reduce stress, which is often a cause of acne breakouts. Getting your blood pumping with a good workout will help increase blood flow, in turn increasing the amount of oxygen and nutrients delivered to the skin. Working up a sweat will also allow your skin to purge, ridding itself of bacteria, oil, dirt and other impurities.

Use protection

Get your head out of the gutter, I mean sunscreen!! It is Summer here in Australia, so using sunscreen is a given, but even if you live on the other side of the equator, you should still protect your skin by using an SPF that protects you from UVA and UVB rays.


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