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5 New Years Resolutions You NEED To Make TODAY

Happy 2018! If you always set yourself the same resolutions year after year; you know the ones - "go to the gym everyday", "quit drinking alcohol", knowing full well that you won't get past the 5th of January sticking to them, maybe you should make 2018 the year you set reasonable resolutions that not only you CAN stick to, but will actually make a positive difference in yourself and the people around you. I have five resolutions that I challenge you to set for yourself - I've set them for myself too - that are not too hard to stick to, but is sure to make 2018 the best year yet!

Give yourself some slack

We all have huge expectations of ourselves, but those expectations can be unrealistic, and when we don't meet them it can make us feel down about ourselves. Give yourself a break! We are only human, and can't always be "on" 100% of the time.

Embrace the fun in every day

With the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, we can often get stuck in a rut, thinking that the only escape from reality is a holiday to some exotic location, but unfortunately that isn't always feasible, or a healthy way of looking at life. Try eating lunch in the park under a big Oak tree, or people watching on your commute home. Make every day an adventure, and see the fun in all of life's mundane activities.

Take more photos

Document memories of birthdays, "girls night" get togethers and visiting grandparents. Not everything has to be perfectly staged, a filter doesn't have to be applied, and if someone blinked, so what! In years to come you will be incredibly grateful to have these photos, even if they aren't "Instagram worthy"!

Don't hide your feelings

Don't be afraid to put your heart on your sleeve, and tell your friends and family how much they really mean to you! It will not only foster a closer relationship with your loved ones, but let them know just how important they are to you.

Be more generous

"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you". Give $5 to charity collectors, offer to help a friend move house, or bring a get well package to a sick family member. You don't have to donate all of your savings to charity to be generous, any act of kindness can make a huge impact to someone else's day.

I hope you do set at least a couple of these as your 2018 resolutions. I hope that 2018 brings you love, laughter and happiness.



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